Affordable & Supportive Housing
Multi-family Housing
Our two new multi-family residences allow us to revitalize blighted and vacant land in the City of Paterson while also meeting the need for affordable housing for families in our community.
The NJCDC complies with Equal Opportunity and Fair Housing laws. We purchased vacant lots in the Great Falls Neighborhood and constructed two new in-fill apartment buildings for local families in need of affordable homes. These projects were built with funds from the City of Paterson's HOME program, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, FHLBNY, and the State of New Jersey's Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit (NRTC) program. These buildings are the beginning of a new strategy for NJCDC's real estate projects!
Interested tenants should fill out the Preliminary Questionnaires for Mill Street Apartments and/or Wayne Avenue Apartments below and submit them either in person to the NJCDC main office at 32 Spruce Street, Paterson, NJ 07501 or by mail to PO BOX 6976, Paterson, NJ 07509.
Mill Street Apartments: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qjjYW2l4gmGhfH_lHD4y8X9LKxgVwc2Vprev-93j-Z4/edit?usp=sharing
Wayne Avenue Apartments: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V2_Oq_DjeqS3sWkIdX_qd2HkBM_yT7gtTn8KOXph7Yw/edit?usp=sharing