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Paterson Teens Visit Our Nation’s Capital

Paterson Teens Visit Our Nation’s Capital

May 22, 2024

View our video of the DC trip

Check out our trip photos

Senator Frank Lautenberg served five terms as a United States Senator, leading legislative efforts to serve all New Jerseyans — and all Americans. During this time, he remained dedicated to his hometown of Paterson. In his honor, NJCDC brings Paterson youth to Washington, D.C. every spring, to show them that they, too, can become great leaders and serve their community.

Early in the morning on May 15, 40 teens from our youth development programs gathered at NJCDC’s headquarters to board the bus to Washington, D.C. Their first stop was Union Station, where they met with Amtrak staff for a guided tour of the station. After lunch, the group headed to Arlington National Cemetery for a tram tour, which stopped at several important sites in the cemetery, including President John F. Kennedy, Jr.’s gravesite and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. “My favorite part of the trip was during the first day, when we got to see the ceremony for the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,” said one student who went on the trip.


They finished the day exploring the historic Georgetown neighborhood, which is known for its quaint cobblestone streets, federal architecture, historic brick-and-frame row houses, and iconic landmarks. It’s also home to Georgetown University, which our students enjoyed touring. Established in 1789, Georgetown is the nation’s oldest Catholic and Jesuit university. The group then ate dinner before going on a walking tour of the neighborhood.

The following morning, our students went to the United States Capitol, where they met with Paterson’s own Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr. They then went on a guided tour of the Capitol, viewing the building’s impressive architecture, as well as the statues and paintings of early United States history. Our students then stopped at the Senator Lautenberg Tree, which was planted by Paterson youth during NJCDC’s third annual Washington, D.C. trip in 2017.


The group then toured the Library of Congress, where they got to view documents, patents, and artwork from throughout this country’s history. One student, A’Miracle, said “My favorite part of the trip was going to see the Library of Congress, since I have used their website so many times — and I got to see all of the beautiful architecture.” After lunch, the group went to the Washington Monument, the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial before coming home to Paterson.

“I enjoyed this D.C. trip because it gave us an opportunity to learn about our nation’s history,” said Paterson Youth Council member Sebaxtian.

“We are so grateful that we can give Paterson youth the opportunity to visit Washington, D.C. every spring,” said NJCDC’s Founder and CEO, Bob Guarasci. “They get to visit historic monuments and landmarks, visit museums, and speak to their representatives. It’s a powerful experience for these teens to see themselves in a city where so many important decisions are made — and even see themselves one day making those decisions!”

The Paterson Youth Council is currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Interested Paterson high school students can fill out the application form here.

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